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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding Funerals, Final Placement, Cemeteries, Cremation, and more.

Funeral FAQs

Most states require that a deceased person be either embalmed or placed in refrigeration after 24 hours from death. Funeral services can be held at any time after that. In some areas of the country, that time frame could be as long as three weeks.

Although the Veterans Administration does not pay for complete funerals, it does provide certain merchandise, services, and reimbursements. Your local VA office or funeral home can provide you with a variety of benefits available. In general, any veteran with a discharge other than dishonorable is entitled to be buried in an accepting national cemetery. He or she may also receive a free grave liner, bronze marker, and a flag holder appropriately marked with the veteran’s rank, war served, and religious icon.

The traditional format regarding the number of pallbearers is 6, primarily due to the length of the standard casket, so 3 people on either side can carry the casket. Most caskets have additional handles at each end, accommodating 2 more bearers.

Yes. In addition to coordinating the donation, Arlington can arrange for a Memorial Service or a Gathering of Friends to be held at a convenient time and place for the family.

One way is to bring personal items into the funeral home to be displayed in or near the casket. Example: An avid golfer might have a favorite putter placed in the casket. An avid hunter or fisherman might have some of their personal effects or trophies displayed on a memory table. A person who quilted could have the casket draped with a quilt they made. An artist could have their artwork displayed. A person’s favorite rocking chair could be brought to the funeral home and placed next to the casket.

The publication of an obituary notice is a matter of your personal choice. While most newspapers control the editorial format, you have the right to limit the amount of information, if any, provided to them.

Death FAQs

Certified copies are used as proof of death for transferring stocks and bonds, banking transactions, and life insurance. Arlington can help you determine how many you may need to settle an estate and real estate and secure them for you.

After the death, the most prudent decision would be to call your funeral service provider in your hometown. Your funeral director will be able to make the necessary arrangements to transfer the deceased, relieving the family of the burden of dealing with unfamiliar people, places, and related issues

Certified copies are used as proof of death for transferring stocks and bonds, banking transactions, and life insurance. Arlington can help you determine how many you may need to settle an estate and secure them for you.

Plan Ahead FAQs

  • Advance Directives – If the deceased left any written advance directives concerning the disposition of his remains and memorialization, you need to bring them with you. These instructions may be found in a will, or there may be a formally witnessed disposition directive, funeral pre-arrangements, or a pre-need contract.
  • Military Discharge Papers
  • Details on any cemetery property owned by the deceased or the family (grave plot, columbarium space, etc.)
  • Recent photograph of the deceased and any personal effects that you wish to be included in the viewing or burial
  • Specific information on the deceased:
  • Full legal name
  • Address
  • Marital status
  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth (city and state)
  • Educational history (number of years of schooling)
  • Armed Forces service dates and serial number
  • Occupation or profession
  • Parent’s names, including mother’s maiden name
  • Next of kin and other survivors

Pre-arranging funeral services can be done regardless of the final disposition. Pre-arranging is simply recording your wishes with the funeral home and paying for the services if you choose to do so.