Purchase a Field of Memories Flage Dedication:
The Arlington Memorial Gardens Funeral Home and Memorial Park are located in Springfield Township, Hamilton County, north of downtown Cincinnati. Arlington is easy to reach via Ronald Reagan/Cross County Highway, which can be easily accessed from Interstate 71, Interstate 74, Interstate 275, or Interstate 75.
– Upon entering the grounds, observe the posted speed limit of 10 MPH.
– Park on the side of the paved roadway but avoid parking on the grass.
– To eliminate confusion and delay, avoid funeral processions.
– Avoid parking near a funeral site.
– When parking and leaving your car, lock the car doors.
8 AM – 8 PM (April 1 – September 30)
8 AM – 6 PM (October 1 – March 31)
Funeral home OFFICE HOURS
8 AM – 4:30 PM (Monday – Friday)
8 AM – Noon (Saturday)
IMMEDIATE NEED: 24 HOURS [Please call 513-521-7003 Opt #2]
Administrative center
8 AM – 4:30 PM (Monday – Friday)
8 AM – Noon (Saturday)
Lakeside chapel family service
10 AM – 4 PM (Daily) Representatives are available during Business Hours or upon appointment.
community & Reception center
The Arlington Reception Center is available 7 days a week. Arrangements are made through our Family Care Advisors.
Floral policies have been enacted to permit floral placement but are orderly, enabling the Cemetery to maintain the grounds. The Cemetery enforces the following policies and asks for your cooperation.
General guidelines
Decorations are subject to immediate removal, on sight, if they do not comply with our decoration policies.
Decorations are subject to immediate removal if they interfere with ground care or other maintenance tasks.
Wires and wireframes or other materials are prohibited from holding decorations in place.
Fresh-cut floral arrangements
Fresh cut flowers are permitted year-round.
Fresh cut flowers must be placed in Bronze Memorial Vases (plantings in vases are prohibited).
All fresh-cut flowers are subject to removal and disposal upon browning.
Artificial flowers
All artificial/plastic flowers are permitted at grave sites only from November 1st through April 14th.
All artificial/plastic flowers will be removed and disposed of beginning April 15th.
No artificial/plastic flowers that have been removed from graves sites will be saved or stockpiled. It is the responsibility of the lot owner to remove them if they are to be saved.
Other decorations
Balloons, wooden crosses, statuettes, remembrance trinkets, and other similar decorations are prohibited and subject to immediate removal.
Glass Containers are prohibited at all times.
Potted Plants are permitted only for the following holidays: (a) Easter (see more on Easter decorations below), (b) Mother’s Day, (c) Memorial Day, and (d) Father’s Day.
Potted Plants can be set three (3) days before the holiday and are subject to removal ten (10) days following the holiday. Potted plants will not be saved or stockpiled. It is the responsibility of the lot owner to remove them if they are to be saved. (please see exceptions for Easter 2022 below)
Easter decorations
Easter is an extraordinary decoration holiday. Sometimes it falls very early in the spring and sometimes later. If it falls later than April 15th, then lot owners and visitors must observe the prohibition on artificial/plastic flowers. In other words, decorations for Easter when it falls after April 15th are limited to fresh-cut flowers or potted plants. Please note: This is necessary because after the 15th of April, our Grounds Staff will actively mow the gardens and artificial decorations become safety hazards.
Christmas decorations
Christmas Decorations are permitted beginning on Thanksgiving Day and will be removed on February 1st. Christmas decorations will not be saved or stockpiled. It is the responsibility of the lot owner to remove them if they are to be saved.
American Flags may be placed at grave sites on the following holidays: (a) Memorial Day, (b) Flag Day, (c) Independence Day, (d) Labor Day, and (e) Veterans Day. Flags can be set three (3) days before the holiday and are subject to removal ten (10) following the holiday.
Because Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day fall so close to each other, the Cemetery permits American Flags to be placed three (3) days prior to Memorial Day and remain through July 14th at which time they will be removed.
General guidelines
Any and all decorations attached to crypt fronts are prohibited.
Coins placed on crypt and niche fronts are strictly prohibited and will be removed immediately.
floral decorations must be placed through the Cemetery’s Floral Guild. Floral settings will be placed in central locations throughout the mausoleum complex – contact the Cemetery for more information
General guidelines
Children under 15 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Alcohol and firearms are prohibited.
Respect the privacy of those visiting grave sites or those attending funerals.
Walking over or through the gardens is limited to grave visitation. Please exercise caution by walking carefully on the lawn to avoid injuries.
Walking on the roadways is permitted; running or jogging is prohibited.
Bicycles are prohibited.
Picnics and lounging on the lawns are prohibited.
Cutting flowers, trees, or shrubbery is prohibited.
Passing other moving vehicles is prohibited.
Student driving training is prohibited.
Waste receptacles are conveniently located; littering is prohibited.
Dogs on leashes are allowed on the cemetery grounds, providing that their owners comply with all prevailing Ohio laws and maintain reasonable control of their dogs at all times. Owners are responsible for cleaning up their dog’s waste and disposing of it in the trash receptacles located throughout the park. Failure to comply may result in a temporary or permanent ban against any owner or their dog.
Avoiding wildlife and feeding them is prohibited.
Avoid the edges of the lakes and ponds; fishing is prohibited.
Solicitation and peddling are prohibited.
The predominant turf at Arlington is tall fescue, a grass that generally does well in the Cincinnati climate and soil. As a bronze memorial park, we prefer to maintain the turf in the gardens in a manner that is consistent with a “lawn” appearance. The recommended height for tall fescue is 3″ for the best and healthiest results. Since our mowing height is perhaps higher than private lawns, we essentially mow continuously. Our goal is to mow each garden at least one time per week, and during the spring and early summer months, we frequently mow each garden twice per week. This is, of course, part of your perpetual care at work.
Visitation and decorating grave sites are very important to many Arlington families, so we attempt to provide as much up-to-date information on this page as possible. Decoration management is a task incorporated within the mowing function. Before mowing each garden, our Grounds Team removes prohibited artificial decorations and live-cut decorations that have declined and “browned out.”
*Please note some of the Gardens have been sprayed for clover and cannot be mowed for three days
Date | Location |
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 | The Garden of Beatitudes The Garden of Friendship The Garden of Prayer The Garden of Sermon on the Mount |
Monday, November 18, 2024 | The Garden of Acacia The Garden of Good Samaritan The Garden of Good Shepherd |
Thursday, November 14, 2024 | The Garden of Acacia The Garden of Good Shepherd The Garden of Section 1 |