Glenn Grismere
Glenn was born on June 12, 1941, to the parents of Howard and Lillian Grismere and resided in Carthage, Ohio. He received his diploma from Woodward High School in 1959. Glenn then went to work for Jennings Buick in Carthage as a support person at the dealership.
Soon after his work at Jennings, he was drafted into the U.S. Army. Glenn served on southern Army bases in the United States. He completed his two years in the U.S. Army and was then released. After a few months, he was recalled and sent to Korea and served as an MP.
When Glenn returned from his duty in Korea, he entered college at the Ohio College of Applied Science on Central Parkway in Cincinnati. Glenn received his Associate Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology in 1964. He then went to the University of Cincinnati majoring in Vocational Education receiving his Bachelor of Education in 1966.
In 1967, he travelled to Kent State University and entered a program for an administrative Internship in Vocational Education and did an administrative internship at the South Central Joint Vocational School in Wilmington, Ohio. In 1968, Glenn was hired to promote the passage of the Hamilton County Joint Vocational School which passed in the November election.
Glenn became the Director of the Diamond Oaks Joint Vocational School on Harrison Avenue. He worked to get the school up and running; the school opened in 1972. Glenn chose to go back into teaching during the summer and was hired as a teacher/coordinator of the Occupational Work Experience (OWE) Cooperative Program at Milford High School. He taught general employment subjects and obtained and coordinated jobs for students. After 20 years, he retired in 1992. Glenn continued his education throughout his teaching career and was three courses and a dissertation from receiving his Ph.D.
Matthew 25 Ministries
Upon his retirement, he wanted to work to help people in third-world countries. Glenn was one of the first volunteers of Matthew 25 Ministries in 1992, served on the M25M Board, and travelled to Nicaragua on many occasions, as well as Haiti.
State of Ohio Veterans Award
2020 November – The State of Ohio, Veterans Hall of Fame, Plaque reads: “In the name and by the Authority of THE STATE OF OHIO, Mike DeWine, Governor and Jon Husted, Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, do hereby officially recognize Glenn H. Grismere, Upon Being Inducted into the Veterans Hall of Fame, on this 5th day of November 2020; signed by Mike DeWine, Governor; Jon Husted, Lieutenant Governor; and Debbie Ashenhurst, Major General Retired, Director of Veterans Services. Glenn was nominated for this award by Marlene Cole, former Principal and Business Teacher at Lockland High School.
Glenn had a passion for cars. While he was teaching and in retirement, he acquired his own antique cars and also worked on antique cars of other individuals.
Glenn is survived by his wife of 60 years, two children and their families, and Glenn’s sister.
Celebration of Life will be held on:
Saturday, November 9, 2024
10:30 am
M25 Ministries Chapel, 11060 Kenwood Rd, Blue Ash, OH 45242
Lunch in the M25M Event Center will follow
Donations may be made in Glenn’s honor to M25M at the address above.
Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 10:30 AM
M25 Ministries Chapel
11060 Kenwood Rd, Blue Ash, OH 45242
“Dear Marilyn and Family We are very sorry for your loss of Glenn and are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings Bev and Harold”
“May your faith give you strength May your memories give you comfort May God’s love give you peace”
“I would like to express my condolences to the family of Mr. Glenn Grismere. It was an honor and pleasure to care for him all those years.”
“Marilyn, We were so sorry to hear about Glenn’s passing. Now he is well and at peace. Love, Kathie and Nancy”
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