Mother’s Day Floral Bouquet


If you cannot make it to Arlington for Mother’s Day, but would still like to honor your Mother or a mother figure in your life, the staff at Arlington has a special option for you.  When you purchase a fresh floral bouquet from Arlington, our staff will place your flowers at your loved one’s final resting place and take a photo of the placement that we can email or text to you as a remembrance.  The Arlington bouquets consist of a variety of spring flowers for $25.00 and the bouquets will be placed either Friday or Saturday before Mother’s Day. 

These floral bouquets are for placement in the gardens throughout Arlington.  If your loved one’s final resting place is in our Mausoleum Complex, please call our office at 513-521-7003 for information and to place your floral order through our Flower Guild Program.
