Easter Sunrise Service
When: April 9, 2023 from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Location: The Arlington Memorial Gardens Funeral Home
APRIL 10, 2023 UPDATE:
Thank you to all who attended our 64th Annual Sunrise Service on April 9th. The weather was chilly, but we enjoyed a beautiful sunrise over the crosses and into the Funeral Home parking lot. An AMG Celebrant, Mr. Jim Milner, delivered an inspirational message, and Marcia Ross, an AMG Family Advisor, provided beautiful songs. Below are a few pictures from this year’s Sunrise Service:

Arlington’s 64th Annual EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE
Please accept this as your and your family’s invitation to Arlington’s Easter Sunrise Service on Sunday morning, April 9, at 7:00 a.m. This meaningful Christian celebration service will be held on the lawn of The Arlington Funeral Home adjacent to the parking lot. If weather permits, you can bring chairs and experience the service out of doors. If the weather is unkind, which is always possible, experience the service from your vehicle over your radio. Either way, attending this service is a great way to begin the Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you there.
We suggest you arrive by 6:30 a.m. If it’s chilly but dry, bring a blanket for comfort.
Our Easter Sunrise Service has moved from various locations throughout our 165 acres. The service was in the Garden of the Old Rugged Cross years ago. Beginning in the 1980s, the service was moved to the South Lawn of Arlington Lake, next to the Lakeside Chapel to accommodate the large numbers attending. In 2020, we moved the service to the Arlington Funeral Home to utilize the parking lot to promote social distancing during the pandemic. Surprisingly we found it was an almost perfect location, particularly with the beautiful sunrise over the knoll to the east of the funeral home.
For those unaware, the Arlington Funeral Home is located on the southwestern quadrant of Arlington’s grounds – close to Cross County Highway that passes to the southern boundary of our property. When entering Arlington, follow the signs to the funeral home parking lot. And again, we look forward to seeing you.